Why isn't the value of an instance variable set in a Groovy closure visible outside of it?


Why methodA()

print set within run

instead set within closure


Sample code

class GroovyClosureVariableScopingTest extends Script {

    String s

    Object run() {
        s = "set within run"
        println "value of s in run(): $s"

        [1].each {
            s = "set within closure"
            println "value of s in each()-closure: $s"

    void methodA() {
        println "value of s in methodA(): $s"


Actual output

value of s in run(): set within run
value of s in each()-closure: set within closure
value of s in methodA(): set within run            // <- Surprised to see the original value


Expected Result

value of s in run(): set in run
value of s in each()-closure: set within closure
value of s in methodA(): set within closure        // <- Whould have expected this value


Development of

I didn't quite understand how the variable scope works in the above example. I would expect to s

be a property (public instance variable) of the class and I thought I was assigning a value from each

-closure to it to be stored. But it doesn't seem to be the case.

Why s

doesn't it store the value that was assigned from the closure?

Solution / workaround

Passing s

as an argument to methodA()

works. See the lines commented with // Change


class GroovyClosureVariableScopingTest extends Script {

    String s

    Object run() {
        s = "set within run"
        println "value of s in run(): $s"

        [1].each {
            s = "set within closure"
            println "value of s in each()-closure: $s"
            methodA(s)              // Change

    void methodA(s) {               // Change
        println "value of s in methodA(): $s"



Closure - formal definition

At the same time, variables are still generally available for the enclosing scope, so the closure can read / modify any such values, and code from the outer scope can read / modify the same variables.


  • Groovy 1.8.6
  • Groovy -Eclipse plugin 2.8.0
  • Eclipse 3.8.1 Platform

source to share

1 answer

After user cfrick confirmed that it works on his machine, I ran it from the console and it actually works.

On the console

C:\temp>java -jar C:\...\lib\groovy-all-1.8.6.jar C:\temp\GroovyClosureVariableScopingTest.groovy
value of s in run(): set within run
value of s in each()-closure: set within closure
value of s in methodA(): set within closure // <- Here


With a clean install of Eclipse

But I still don't get the original script to run with a clean install


I still don't know why this doesn't work - even with a clean install of Eclipse. However, it works from the console, it works on cfrick machine and there is a workaround.



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