How to use serializeArray values ​​in php?

I got the size from the mold.

 resize = $('#resize_form').serializeArray();


I put the resize in hidden and post it to the php page. How to get size value in php?

<input type='hidden' name='name_print' value='resize '>


I am throwing out the value in the resulting php

name_print (String): "[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]  
,[object Object],[object Object]" (79 characters)  


I am using firebug and it shows this

 [Object { name="name_print", value="5555"}, Object { name="hem_up", value=""},  
 Object { name="hem_up_double", value="0"}, Object { name="hem_up_size", value="0"},  
 Object { name="waist_catch", value=""}]


How to use data in php? convert it to an array?

I am using JOSN.stringify data like this




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3 answers

You cannot put an array in a form field, you must first convert it to a string. You can put it in JSON format:

resize = JSON.stringify($('#resize_form').serializeArray());


Then in PHP you can use json_decode()


$resize = json_decode($_POST['name_print']);




Try using serialize()

instead serializeArray()

. It creates a string with your form data for you to submit to the server.



   // in your php code
   $resizedata = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['resize']),true);
   $resizeval = $resizedata['name_print'];




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