Serial and y-axis data display value together in kendo UI tooltip template

I am using kendo ui diagram schema to display some data. I can display a column chart.

But I am worried if any body can help.

  • I don't want ant gap between low voltage data table and high voltage data row
  • How to display series and y-axis data values ​​together in a tooltip template

enter image description here

I want him to be

enter image description here Please find the attached images for your reference.

My code:

title: {
legend: {
    position: "bottom"
seriesDefaults: {
    type: "column",
//stack: true
series: [{
    name: "# Low Voltage Service Points",
    data: [50, 23, 74, 20, 20, 10],
    color: "#1A5FED",

    // Line chart marker type
    markers: {
        type: "square"
}, {
    name: "# High Voltage Service Points",
    data: [52, 34, 78, 68, 23, 40],
    color: "#ed3024",
valueAxis: {
    line: {
        visible: false
    labels: {
    //format: "{0}%"
    axisCrossingValue: 0
categoryAxis: {
    categories: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"],
    color: "#ff0000",
    majorGridLines: {
        visible: false
    line: {
        visible: false
    labels: {
        template: "#=categories[value]#"
tooltip: {
    visible: true,
    format: "{0}",
    template: "#= #: #= value #, Date"


My code is working fine.



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1 answer

To avoid spaces, use the "spacing" option in the series

series: [{
        spacing: 0,


to show category value in tooltip use this # = category #

 template: "#= #: #= category # = #= value # "


I made a Jsfidle example so you can see it in action

Hope this helps.



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