Accessing a class method using an instance of another class?

I have a requirement to dynamically call a class and use the methods of that class.

public class A
  public void test()

public Class B
  public void test()
class object intermediate
//here will decide which class to be invoked
//return the invoked class instance

class clientclass
intermedidate client=new intermediate();


So, can I access the methods of the called class, on the client instance . I'm using Framework 3.5. If the child class inherits from an intermediate class, can this be achieved? I don't want to speculate here.


source to share

3 answers

try it

public interface IClassA
    void Method();

public class ClassA : IClassA
    public void Method()


public static class ObjectInjector
    public static T GetObject<T>()
        object objReturn = null;
        if(typeof(T) == typeof(IClassA))
            objReturn = new ClassA();
        return (T)objReturn;

public class ClientClass
    static void Main(string[] args)
          IClassA objA = ObjectInjector.GetObject<IClassA>();




You can do as follows (not tested)

interface I
class A :I

Class B:I
class intermediate
    public I GetInstance(int i)
           return new A();
            return new B(); 

class clientclass
      I client=new intermediate().GetInstance(1);




You can try and follow the interface implementation as Şhȇkhaṝ has the above.

You can also use an abstract class if you need some initial processing before calling a method on class A or B.

Here's a sample console application that demonstrates this:

public abstract class MainClass
    public virtual void test()
        Console.WriteLine("This is the abstract class");

public class A : MainClass
    public override void test()
        Console.WriteLine("Class A");

public class B : MainClass
    public override void test()
        Console.WriteLine("Class B");

public class Intermediate
    public MainClass CreateInstance(string name)
        if (name.ToUpper() == "A")
            return new A();
            return new B();

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Intermediate intermediate = new Intermediate();
        var client = intermediate.CreateInstance("B");





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