Using as (curried) methods in JavaScript

What's the most elegant way to convert a method to a curried function, and is there support for that in libs like Underscore / Lo-dash or Ramda?

For a fixed number of arguments, I am doing this right now:

var fn2 = _.curry(function (m, a1, a2, obj) {
  return obj[m].call(obj, a1, a2);


which allows code to be used like:

var a2b = fn2('replace', 'a', 'b')
=> 'bbc'



var nl2_ = fn2('replace', '<br>')
nl2_('\n', 'some<br>html')
=> 'some\nhtml'



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1 answer

You can easily extend your approach to methods with arbitrary clarity:

function curryMethod(m, a) {
    if (a !== ~~a) a = m.length;
    return _.curry(function() {
        return m.apply(arguments[a],, 0, -1));
    }, a+1);


> var replace = curryMethod(String.prototype.replace)
> replace("a", "b", "abc")
> var a2b = replace("a", "b")
> a2b("abc")


Since you also asked about Ramda, I only took a quick look at their API but found a R.invoker

that seems to be exactly what you are looking for.



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