MATLAB: An Efficient Way to Run a Vector Input Function Using Array Input

I have a function HermitePCECoefficients

that takes several parameters as input, including a column vector y

, and outputs a column vector Coefficients

, the same length as y




Suppose now that is y

not a column vector but is a two dimensional array (matrix) and I want to run HermitePCECoefficients

in each of my columns while storing the corresponding outputs in the array. Doing this with a loop for

is simple and straightforward, but it takes forever:

for i=1:size(y,2)


So I put it bsxfun

on the job. Since bsxfun

it only works with binary functions, I created a binary function "dummy" f, which is actually only a function of one argument:

f=@(a,b) HermitePCECoefficients(grid,weights,indices,a,mu,sigma,normalized); 


Then used bsxfun

like this:



This works great and is much faster than a loop for

(don't worry omega_f

, it's just a vector whose length matches the number of columns in y


Question 1: What do you think is the correct way to use bsxfun

in this context?

Question 2: Perhaps the best solution would be to modify directly HermitePCECoefficients

so that it can accept a shared array y

as input. Inside the function, this is the only line that requires it to y

be a column vector:




and Psi

are two column vectors, so if I pass an array y

MATLAB complains. Any suggestions for changing it? Thank,



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2 answers

Option 2 seems to be better (but only testing will be tested). Just replace




sum(bsxfun(@times, weights.*Psi, y)/norm)


or (possibly faster)

(weights.*Psi).'*y / norm


Any of the above is equivalent to computing a vector [ dot(weights,y(:,1).*Psi)/norm, dot(weights,y(:,2).*Psi)/norm, ... ]

for an arbitrary number of columns y

. Each entry in this vector is the result for a column y




You can use repmat

in weights

and Psi

to replicate vectors across y columns:

nc = size(y,2);
Coefficients = dot(repmat(weights,1,nc), y.*repmat(Psi,1,nc))/norm;




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