Images.xcassets Launch Sizes for iOS8? Retina HD5.5, Retina HD 4.7 and Retina 4
1 answer
From the iOS Human Interface Guidelines :
For iPhone 6:
750 x 1334 (@ 2x) for portrait
1334 x 750 (@ 2x) for landscape
For iPhone 6 Plus:
1242 x 2208 (@ 3x) for portrait
2208 x 1242 (@ 3x) for landscape
Retina 4 is the same R4 resource in previous versions of Xcode to support 2x2 graphics on a 4-inch screen
640 x 1136 for a portrait (for example, by default - at 568h@2x.png )
All images at 72 dpi
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