Is this A-normal shape a realistic linear in size AST?
The essence of compilation with sequels Flanagan describe a linear time algorithm for converting a term to A-normal form . In short, A-normal form has all applications that only accept trivial arguments (like variables), and all non-trivial members must be concatenated.
Here's a (stupid) example of A-normal form:
let x0 = x0 in
let x2 = \ x1 -> x1 in
let x3 = 1 in
x2 x3
created from this non-normal member of the form:
let y = y in
(\ x0 -> x0) 1
I translated the schema code at the end of the article (page 11) into a lower Haskell module. However, I introduced monads to give me a source of fresh names and keep the display of renamed variables. My question is, does using monads destroy O (n) execution time of an algorithm in a document? I'm particularly worried about nesting >>=
, which for some monads results in O (n ^ 2) behavior.
-- Based on
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
type Name = String
data Term = Var Name
| Lam Name Term
| App Term Term
| Let Name Term Term
| Lit Int
deriving Show
type NameSupply a = ReaderT (M.Map Name Name) (State [Name]) a
fresh :: NameSupply String
fresh = do
(name:rest) <- get
put rest
return name
normalizeTerm :: Term -> NameSupply Term
normalizeTerm m = normalize m return
normalize :: Term -> (Term -> NameSupply Term) -> NameSupply Term
normalize m k = case m of
Var x -> do
mx' <- asks (M.lookup x)
case mx' of
Just x' -> k (Var x')
Nothing -> error $ "var not found: " ++ x
Lam x body -> do
x' <- fresh
k =<< (Lam x' <$> local (M.insert x x') (normalizeTerm body))
Let x m1 m2 -> do
x' <- fresh
local (M.insert x x') $ normalize m1 (\ n1 -> Let x' n1 <$> (normalize m2 k))
App m1 m2 -> normalizeName m1 (\ n1 -> normalizeName m2 (k . App n1))
(Lit _) -> k m
normalizeName :: Term -> (Term -> NameSupply Term) -> NameSupply Term
normalizeName m k = normalize m $ \ n -> do
x <- fresh
Let x n <$> k (Var x)
run :: Term -> Term
run = flip evalState names . flip runReaderT M.empty . normalizeTerm
where names = (map (("x" ++) . show) [0..])
example :: Term
example = Let "y" (Var "y") (App (Lam "x0" (Var "x0")) (Lit 1))
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Your monad is simple ReaderT ... (State ...)
and both ReaderT
and State
are passing single values around, so there is no reason to wait for linear time (>>=)
or for an O (n) chain to take O (n ^ 2) time.
You can get left-nested quadratic blow-ups when the monad uses lists or sets or similar.
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