C ++: Inheriting from a template parameter

The following code example:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int f() {
    return 0;
struct A {
    int f()    {
        return 1; }
template<class T>
struct C : public T {
    C() {
        cout << f() << endl;
    } };
int main() {
    C<A> c; // prints 0
    return 0;


If I inherit inheritance as non-pattern: struct C : public A

then it prints "1", not 0.

Why is this?


source to share

1 answer

in f()

, f

is an independent name, so the name is looked up during template definition (before it is T

known) and binds it to ::f

. If you want it to call the member function f, use this

to make it a dependent name:

template<class T>
struct C : public T {
    C() {
        cout << this->f() << endl;




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