Why stack is using List java interface

This defining property of stacks is called "Last In, First Out" or LIFO

given the following piece of code

Stack<String> theStack = new Stack<String>();
theStack.push ("A");
theStack.push ("B");
theStack.push ("C");
theStack.remove  (1);    // removes B


print output



outputs output

[A, C]


Since the Stack is part of the List interface, there is a way to delete ,

"hence it violates the LIFO property of the stack"

Is this purposefully designed in the Java Collection Framework?


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2 answers

This is useful in many cases if it Stack

is implemented List

: it means that it can be used wherever required List


But if you use it as a stack, then you are required to do intelligent stack-like operations on it, and that includes not randomly popping out of the middle.

This does not mean that this is a poor implementation of the LIFO queue, it simply means that you must be careful to use it in LIFO mode.

(However, a strong argument can be made for Stack.remove()

throwing away OperationNotSupportedException




Not all collections created in java framework adhere to the algorithmic counting part there. Ex. A queue is a FIFO, but it is implemented by LinkedList (because a linked list implements the Queue interface), so you can do things that you don't expect to do in the queue (like removing an item from a specified position, zero insertion, etc.). If you want to create an API to strictly define algorithmic operations, then:
1. Create your own class and return them using Java classes 2. Be conscientious when you code and don't call unnecessary methods.



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