With () and Get () in eloquent laravel 4

I have a RESTful API in laravel 4 and I have the following command

return News::with('User')->get(array('id', 'body', 'created_at', 'categorie_id', 'user_id'))->find(1)->toJson();


and it returns:

{"id": "1", "body": "hola a todos", "created_at": "2014-09-11 17:18:01", "categorie_id": "3", "user_id": "one "," user ": {" ID ":" 1 "," nick ":" angel "," description ": NULL," photo ": NULL," origin ":" España "," created_at ":" 2014- 09-11 17:18:00 "," updated_at ":" 2014-09-11 17:18:00 "}}

It returns the selected columns that I selected from "News" (id, body, actualancia, lat, lng, created_at, categorie_id, user_id) This is fine, but I also want the column "User" For example, I don't want json returned update_at (from "user")

How can i do this?



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1 answer

Just add a property hidden

to your model User

, for example:

protected $hidden = array('updated_at');


What is it. You can add more fields to array

to exclude from your result json

. Also you can try something like this (instead of a property hidden


return News::with(array('User' => function($q) {
    $q->select('username', 'email'); // select fields from user table
}))->get(array('id', 'body');


This way you do not need to add a property hidden

, but you can specify the fields you want to select from the table users

to exclude the field from the query, but it is not hidden by default.



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