Garden Override View Template

I want to customize / change the html / css on the login page (~ / Modules / Orchard.Users / Views / LogOn.cshtml).

I created a cshtml file in the themes folder (Themes - MyCustomTheme - Views - LogOn.cshtml) with the same name. It didn't work. How can I override the main LogOn.cshtml from my custom theme?


If I allow the form to be displayed, this is what I see,

Active template: ~ / Modules / Orchard.Users / Views / LogOn.cshtml

Alternate (1): ~ / Themes / SafeMode / Views / LogOn.cshtml



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1 answer

LogOn is just a form like everything else, so you can override it like in your own theme (this theme should be active of course)

It may be that it doesn't get Orchard right away, so you might want to try resetting the site / app pool.



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