Returning multiple arrays from a function in C ++

I have a function where I would like to return multiple arrays. I know that in C ++ does not return an array, but instead returns a pointer to an array. For example:

int* function(double array[])


But what if I need to return multiple arrays (multiple pointers to arrays? Let's say like 2-10). I thought of one way to do this. One could simply pass the arrays to the void function by reference:

void function(int a[], int b[], double c[])


But then we can pass many arrays as input. I could package all my input arrays into a class, pass the class by reference, but that seems like an unnecessary structure. What is the correct way to do this? Thanks to


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3 answers

You can use std::vector

instead of arrays:

void function(vector<int> &a, vector<int> &b, vector<double> &c)


The caller of the function simply creates three vectors and passes them:

vector<int> a, b;
vector<double> c;
function(a, b, c);


and the function can edit vectors in any way (for example a.resize(10); a[0] = ...

), since the vectors used by this function are the same vectors passed by the caller. Thus, the function can "return" multiple vectors by modifying the vectors supplied by the caller.



you can use vector of vectors

 std::vector<std::vector<double>> my2Dvec;
 std::vector<double> vec1, vec2, vec3;



std::cout << my2dvec[0][0] << std::endl; // 123.123
std::cout << my2dvec[1][0] << std::endl; // 456.456
std::cout << my2dvec[2][0] << std::endl; // 789.789


NOTE: vectors get slower the more changes you put into them. Therefore, if you have a vector of 3D vectors, remember about the velocity



Try using the following:

void Function(unsigned char*&dat1, unsigned char*&dat2, unsigned char*&dat3, ...)
      dat1 = new unsigned char[10];
      dat2 = new unsigned char[20];
      dat3 = new unsigned char[30];


This will pass the array pointer by reference.



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