Zipfile leaves the last few lines from my file - why?

So I have a problem using a module zipfile

in Python. Currently, when I try to compress a KML file to create a new KMZ file, I am missing the last few lines. It doesn't seem to matter how long the KML is. I guess this is because the zipfile does not write the last zipped block.

kmz = zipfile.ZipFile(kmzPath , 'w')
kmz.write(kmlPath, 'CORS.kml', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)


And yes, before asking, I imported zlib for compression. I have tried using zlib at a lower level but have the same problem. I am stuck.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

Make sure you call



after the command .write(...)

, otherwise the complete contents of the file will not be flushed to disk. For this to happen automatically, always use a context manager with

, as the file will be closed when you exit the loop:

with zipfile.ZipFile(kmzPath, 'w') as kmz:
    kmz.write(kmlPath, 'CORS.kml', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)




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