EXC_BAD_ACCESS error for NSManagedObject implementing protocol in Swift

I have the following two methods:

func isAuthenticated() -> Bool {
    var currentUser: CurrentUser? = self.getCurrentUser()

    if currentUser == nil {
        return false

    self.token = getUserToken(currentUser!.username)
    if self.token == nil {
        return false

    if !tokenIsValidForUser(self.token!, user: currentUser!) {
        return false

    return true

func tokenIsValidForUser(token: AuthenticationToken, user: UserObject) -> Bool {
    if token.username != user.username {
        return false

    return true


When I call isAuthenticated()

it fails on the first line tokenIsValidForUser()


apparently on the CurrentUser object.

My understanding si is that you get an error like this when the object no longer exists, but I can't figure out why that would be the case.

The object type CurrentUser is declared as:

protocol UserObject {
    var username: String { get set }

class CurrentUser: NSManagedObject, UserObject {

    @NSManaged var username: String




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1 answer

I found a solution to this problem here:


Basically, this is Swift's quirk when it comes to implementing protocols for NSManaged objects. I had to add a keyword dynamic

to my @NSManaged properties in the CurrentUser class to make the class look like this:

class CurrentUser: NSManagedObject, UserObject {

    @NSManaged dynamic var username: String





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