Dose of openshift. Site nameservers is static or will be changed.

I am new to openshift apps, so I am making an app on the openshift website and I need to point the domain to its web address.

so my domain provider allowed me to set domain based on Nameservers. so i want to know that my nameservers site i openshift is static or may change in the future.

For example, my website address is

and this is the Nameserver: with IP

.so if I set my NS Recorde domain to it works. and Nameserver will change in the future or not. (Because on openshift site they listed the IP address, maybe change this to server maintenance or ...)


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1 answer

The best way to set up custom domain names with your OpenShift apps is to use CNAME certificates, see this post for more information web-console . This means that providing your domain provider's name can be helpful.

Your application IP will inevitably change as your application is unlikely to stay on node. Take a look at the article I mentioned earlier and if you follow these steps your custom domain should persist regardless of your application IP.



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