Filling of elements in the table is required

I would like to have some additions between my components. Currently my form looks like this:

enter image description here

If I want to have 5px spacing between all my components, is there an easy way to do this? If I put the margin and padding values ​​at the panel level, it only affects the panel itself, not its containing elements:

margin: '5 5 5 5',
padding: '15',
layout: {
    type: 'table',
    columns: 3
items: [
        text:'Name *'
        text:'Version *'

    }, {
        text:'Sprache *'
    }, {

        text:'Name *'

    }, {
        xtype: 'textfield',
        text: 'Version *'
    }, {
        xtype: 'combobox',
        text: 'Sprache *'


I could add paddings for each individual component, but that seems like a pain.


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1 answer

And just figured out with some kind of garbage Google. You need to style the padding for the tdAttrs value for the layout.

                    layout: {
                        type: 'table',
                        columns: 3,
                        tdAttrs: { style: 'padding: 10px;' }
//                        padding: '65'


Does anyone know of a better solution?



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