Difference Between ERT and LyX Custom Knitting Liners

What's the difference , if any, in terms of control between using ERT , as in the minimal example , and using your own custom inserts (Chunk, S / R expression, Sweave) for knitr instead of LyX ?

I have reproduced the "minimal" examples using also the "Parameters" insert inside the Chunk insert and I see no difference. (I still don't know how to use Sweave Option Insertion.)


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1 answer

Currently, there are only minor differences. Using the chunk insert takes a little longer if you don't configure the shortcuts because you need to insert the insert and then insert the parameters. The main advantages are that it is marked as a chunk and you do not need to manually enter "<lt; → =" and "@". Sometimes I forget it's "<> =" and sometimes I forget the equal sign, so it's good for my bad memory. If you want to get fancy, you can adjust the font size and color inside the chunk insert (you can do this for ERTs too, but this applies to all ERTs, not dice chunks). If interested, see Help> Setup in LyX.

We hope to implement some features that can improve the use of blocks in ERT. For example, it would be nice to navigate the pieces in the path panel. This is http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7790 It would also be nice to ensure that the start and end of knives start on a new line. This will prevent some not-so-rare problems. This is http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/8875

It depends on preference. I prefer the chunked insert, but note that the author of the knit prefers ERT.



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