DDT Error: D Standard Library [Error: Nothing Found]

I installed dmd and ddt according to the instructions:

DMD64 D Compiler v2.066.0
Copyright (c) 1999-2014 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
Documentation: http://dlang.org/


but when I create a dub project in eclipse I get an error that says standard libray was not found:

Alt text
(source: p.im9.eu )

any ideas?

OS: Mac OSX 10.9 Eclipse: 4.4 DDT: 0.10.2


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2 answers

I also posted a temporary workaround in the discussion group ( link ):

# cd /usr/share/dmd
# mkdir dummy
# mkdir dummy/bin
# touch dummy/bin/dmd
# launchctl setenv DUB_COMPILERS_PATH /usr/share/dmd/dummy/bin
# killall Dock


Note that the variable DUB_COMPILERS_PATH

should not point to the binary itself, it acts as an additional variable PATH

, that is, it should contain bin dirs.

To survive this reboot, add the launchctll line to /etc/launchd.conf


launchctl setenv DUB_COMPILERS_PATH /usr/share/dmd/dummy/bin


You may need to create it if it doesn't already exist.



This seems to be the DDT error message:


Basically it boils down to the directory structure of the installed dmd. Since they have many distributions and many installers, each with their own convention, DDT missed some.

They should be added and recognized soon in the pending version.

Please follow the reported issue on the github / DDT page.



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