Several optional parameters in Angular.js

I usually use querystrings to filter the results, for example:

 URL:    /Events/List?type=art&city=miami&life=present


I can put them in any order and get the same results, for example:

 URL:    /Events/List?city=miami&life=present&type=art
 URL:    /Events/List?life=present&type=art&city=miami


I can also make them optional, for example:

 URL:    /Events/List?type=art, 
  or:    /Events/List?type=art&life=&city=


Question: How can I achieve the same "effect" with Angular.js routes? given the fact that parameters are passed in all "RESTful" ways in Angular

I thought something like this:

 URL:   /Events/List/city/miami/life/present/type/art


What can I achieve with a route like this:

 .when('/Events/List/city/:city?/life/:life?/type/:type?', { ... }


But I already see a lot of problems:

  • The order of the parameters is important (would I need to define a route many times?)
  • Additional options provide non-intuitive URL-address,
    for example /Events/List/city/life/type/art


    and it does not apply to optional querystrings (they are more clear to read, I think):
    for example:/Events/List/?city=&life=&type=art


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3 answers

If you want to use query strings angular has $

that is both an installer and a receiver.

The difference between angular search

and the window version

is that the request crashes after the url has been hashed, and when set up or retrieved, it uses objects, not strings

See Using $ location in the developer guide



You can inject $ routeParams into your controller. Here's an example from the docs:

// Given:
// URL:
// Route: /Chapter/:chapterId/Section/:sectionId
// Then
$routeParams ==> {chapterId:1, sectionId:2, search:'moby'}




I recently ran into a similar need (the ability to grab an unknown number of arguments from a path) and started by looking at $ routeProvider. I ended up ditching this effort in favor of ui.router .

The most powerful (but arguably tedious) approach for you is to work with regex parameters. Consider the following (snippet from some code I'm currently creating):

    .state("list", {
        url: "/",
        controller: "PluginsListController",
        templateUrl: "PluginsList.html"
    .state("path", {
        url: "/{plugin}/*path",
        controller: "PluginDetailsController",
        templateUrl: "PluginDetails.html"


The second state takes two positional parameters: a plugin

and a path

. The argument path

is a wildcard that captures everything after the immediately preceding slash. The idea here is that I can put something like and end up with "MyFirstPlugin" in $stateParams["plugin"]

and "level1 / level2 / level2 .php "to $stateParams["path"]

. It depends on the application logic to handle the long path parameter (and you are also responsible for using this variable length argument), but this approach allows you to write a single state handler for an unknown number of URLs.



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