How do I disable OS X App Nap in C ++?

Is there a way to disable App Nap from the source code of a C ++ application?

I am using the clang compiler with cmake.


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2 answers

Release Notes Foundation for OS X 10.9 provides some information on how and when Nap is activated, and notes what can be used to disable it (in particular, using ). NSProcessInfo


There are no C or C ++ interfaces in App Nap.



The following RAII class, adapted from this answer , will do it.

#if defined(__APPLE__)

# include <objc/runtime.h>
# include <objc/message.h>
# include <objc/objc-runtime.h>
#include <mutex>

namespace detail { struct LatencyCriticalLock {
   int count = {};
   id activity = {};
   id processInfo = {};
   id reason = {};
   std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mutex_lock() {
      return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex);
   std::mutex mutex;
   template <typename T> static T check(T i) {
      return (i != nil) ? i : throw std::runtime_error("LatencyCrticalLock init() failed");
   void init() {
      if (processInfo != nil) return;
      auto const NSProcessInfo = check(objc_getClass("NSProcessInfo"));
      processInfo = check(objc_msgSend((id)NSProcessInfo, sel_getUid("processInfo")));
      reason = check(objc_msgSend((id)objc_getClass("NSString"), sel_getUid("alloc")));
      reason = check(objc_msgSend(reason, sel_getUid("initWithUTF8String:"), "LatencyCriticalLock"));
}; }

class LatencyCriticalLock {
   static detail::LatencyCriticalLock d;
   bool locked = {};
   struct NoLock {};
   LatencyCriticalLock &operator=(const LatencyCriticalLock &) = delete;
   LatencyCriticalLock(const LatencyCriticalLock &) = delete;
   LatencyCriticalLock() { lock(); }
   explicit LatencyCriticalLock(NoLock) {}
   ~LatencyCriticalLock() { unlock(); }
   void lock() {
      if (locked) return;
      auto l = d.mutex_lock();
      assert(d.count >= 0);
      if (!d.count) {
         assert(d.activity == nil);
         /* Start activity that tells App Nap to mind its own business: */
         /* NSActivityUserInitiatedAllowingIdleSystemSleep */
         /* | NSActivityLatencyCritical */
         d.activity = objc_msgSend(d.processInfo, sel_getUid("beginActivityWithOptions:reason:"),
                                   0x00FFFFFFULL | 0xFF00000000ULL, d.reason);
         assert(d.activity != nil);
      d.count ++;
      locked = true;
      assert(d.count > 0 && locked);
   void unlock() {
      if (!locked) return;
      auto l = d.mutex_lock();
      assert(d.count > 0);
      if (d.count == 1) {
         assert(d.activity != nil);
         objc_msgSend(d.processInfo, sel_getUid("endActivity:"), d.activity);
         d.activity = nil;
         locked = false;
      assert(d.count > 0 || d.count == 0 && !locked);
   bool isLocked() const { return locked; }

detail::LatencyCriticalLock LatencyCriticalLock::d;

#endif /* __APPLE__ */




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