Simple Firefox decryption "incompatible" error in Pale Moon

I am trying to get a basic extension working in Pale Moon (Firefox variant).

Lib \ main.js:

var data = require("sdk/self");
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
    include: "*",
    contentScriptFile: [data.url("script.js")] 


Lib \ script.js

document.getElementById("annoyingElement").setAttribute("style", "display: none;");


But I am getting error:

[extension_name] could not be installed because it is not compatible with Pale Moon 24.7.2


I've tried reading CFX docs and looking around stackoverflow. The only hint I have found is, perhaps, something in common with minVersion

/ maxVersion

in install.rdf

, but I do not have it. Please, help!


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1 answer

They changed the GUID for Pale Moon. I think this is a stupid move, but I think it was necessary.

More information here:

MozillaZine :: Pale Moon changed its GUID

PaleMoonForum :: Expansions and Pale Moon 25

you have to add this to your install.rdf:

  <em:targetApplication><!-- Pale Moon -->


So, compile your addon to xpi, then rename to zip, then edit install.rdf, add the pale moon GUID, then zip it back up and then rename to xpi



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