How do I map an implicit class parameter to a variable to a variable?

I am facing an interesting problem with implicit parameters and tratis.

I have an abstract class Parent

that takes one integer and two other parameters implicitly:

abstract class Parent(a: Int)(implicit str: String, map: Map[String,String]) {/*...*/}


and a trait ClassTrait

to be mixed with Parent

and uses implicits:

trait ClassTrait {
    val str: String
    val map: Map[String,String]

    def doSth() = str.length


so now I want to do it like this ( withnout keyword abstract


class Child(a: Int)(implicit str: String, map: Map[String,String]) extends Parent(a) with ClassTrait {
    def doSth2 = doSth * 10


What syntax should I use to map implicit parameters to define vals ? The compiler returns this error:

foo.scala:10: error: class Child needs to be abstract, since:
value map in trait ClassTrait of type Map[String,String] is not defined
value str in trait ClassTrait of type String is not defined
class Child(a: Int)(implicit str: String, map: Map[String,String]) extends Parent(a) with ClassTrait {
one error found


In a complex example, I am using implicit parameters in a trait, but since traits cannot have any parameters (do not have a constructor), I need to declare the implications used again.

Thanks for the help.


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2 answers


class Child(a: Int)(implicit val str: String, map: Map[String,String]) extends Parent(a) with ClassTrait {
   def doSth2 = doSth * 10


(see val

i added)

Or use case class

. Then they will be fields.

An alternative way might be to not make them implicit and use the apply method on a companion object that accepts implications to set them. But you still need to make them fields, your current code technically just treats them as args constructors.



You can promote your class parameters in fields using the val keyword:

abstract class Parent(a: Int)(implicit val str: String, val map: Map[String,String]) {/*...*/}


Note the "val str" and "val map" instead of "str" ​​and "map". This way, they will be correct read-only members and provide the implementation of the abstract members of your trait.



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