How do I create a function that stores var values?

I have this code

<input type="button" id="buttona" onClick="myFunction('this is buttonA')" />
<input type="button" id="buttonb" onClick="myFunction('this is buttonB')" />
function myFunction(message) {
  var count=10;
  count = count + 1;
  alert(message + ":" + count);


What I want is when the user presses button A, it shows the message "this is button A: 11", if the user presses button "A" again, it shows "this is button A: 12", and if the user clicks button "B" , this is button B: 11 ". I don't want to define global counters, I would like to" encapsulate "the function. That is, if I add:

<input type="button" id="buttonc" onClick="myFunction('this is buttonC')" />;


have the same functionality without defining almost anything.

The counter is independent of each other and retains its value. Feels my question?

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

You can use closure. The basic idea is that instead of having one "myFunction", you create a function that creates "myFunctions".

function makeCounter(message){
    //We move count outside the onclick handler, so it can increment
    //but its not a global since we are inside another function!
    var count = 10; 
    return function(){
        count = count + 1;
        alert(message + ":" + count);

//now use makeCounter to create encapsulated onclick handlers:

document.getElementById("buttona").onclick = makeCounter("This is button A");
document.getElementById("buttonb").onclick = makeCounter("This is button B");




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