Error: ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS: The operand must contain 1 column (s)

My program creates a table like this:

exports.createTablesPhase2= function(tableprefix,cb){
  var s3 = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS productData (
           `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
           `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
           `baseSite` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
           `img_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
           `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
           `price` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
           `sale_price` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
           `description` text DEFAULT NULL,
           `extra` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
           `brand` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
           `colors` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
           `sizes` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
           `date` date NOT NULL ,
           PRIMARY KEY `id` (`id`),UNIQUE `url` (`url`));';
  client.query(s3, function(err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;


This bit works, I just put it there to see the structure.

Then after a while the following function tries to insert values ​​into the db:

exports.insertProducts = function(products,tableprefix,cb){
    var values = [];
    var date=(new Date()).toISOString().substring(0, 19).replace(/T.*/gi, '');
    for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
        var p = products[i];
    var sql = "INSERT INTO `productData` VALUES ? 
               ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `price` =  VALUES (`price`),`sale_price` = VALUES (`sale_price`), `date` = VALUES (`date`)";
        if (err) throw err;


And I get the following error: Error: ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS: The operand must contain 1 column

I've seen this before when doing complex queries, but it seems simple ... I must be missing something really simple. I checked the values ​​and they all look ok.

EDIT: Following the advice in the comments, I tried to add the column names, but didn't change anything. I will leave them in order not to clutter the code.


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1 answer

If you're doing a lot of pasting with syntax INSERT table VALUES ?

in node-mysql

, make sure that the array of arrays sent to .query()

has all of the values ​​entered accordingly - usually as primitives (strings or numbers).

In your case, one of those elements was an array - and it was wrapped in parens by the query constructor node-mysql

, injecting a string VALUES

into something like ...

VALUES(null, '123', (123, 456)...)


This will force MySQL to throw this annoying error Operand should contain 1 column(s)




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