ABWhere (extExp) .Count ()> 0" and I have a problem ...">

Expression using the "where" method

I am trying to achieve an expression like this: "A => ABWhere (extExp) .Count ()> 0" and I have a problem with how to make an expression for Where (...) which I assume is an extension method for ICollection <>. Can anyone please help?

Expression<Func<N, bool>> conditions = c => c.T_ID == 1 || c.T_ID == 2;
ParameterExpression mpe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "A");
Expression prop = Expression.Property(mpe,typeof(T).GetProperty("B"));
var propWhere = Expression.Call(..., prop, conditions);


How to call it correctly


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1 answer

What happens is an overload of the call that accepts a MethodInfo. To get information about the method, I think it is best to use the code from this answer - fooobar.com/questions/481011 / ...

public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo(Expression<Action> expression)
    var member = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;

    if (member != null)
        return member.Method;

    throw new ArgumentException("Expression is not a method", "expression");



var whereMethodInfo = GetMethodInfo(() => Enumerable.Where(Enumerable.Empty<T>(), i=>true));


BTW I suggest you download LINQPad and use it to write queries and view the generated expression trees and IL code.



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