WebProxy on Portable Class Library

I am creating a portable class library project. Using the HttpClient class (installed from NuGet packages).

Now. I want to make an HttpClient using a proxy by passing the HttpClientHandler constructor to it (HttpClientHandler has a Proxy attribute, we will assign a WebProxy instance to it). The problem is that the Portable Class Library does not support the WebProxy class. It only has an IWebProxy interface.

I have searched on Google, NuGet Package, but I cannot find a solution for this case. Please, say Me. How can I solve this (or another way to make the HttpClient using a proxy)


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1 answer

There is no PCL implementation of IWebProxy, but it is a very simple interface that you can easily implement yourself. Something like this for the same proxy for all directions:

public class Proxy : System.Net.IWebProxy
    public System.Net.ICredentials Credentials

    private readonly Uri _proxyUri;

    public Proxy(Uri proxyUri)
        _proxyUri = proxyUri;

    public Uri GetProxy(Uri destination)
        return _proxyUri;

    public bool IsBypassed(Uri host)
        return false;




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