Finding shortest word in java string array

im trying to write code to be taken in a group of words and will return the smallest word in character length. quite simply, for some reason, it returns "bye" when there is a shorter word like "no".

public class function2 {

    public static void main(String [] args) {
        String [] SA = {"hello", "goodbye", "jack", "bye", "yes", "no", "yoo"};
        System.out.println("The shortest word is " + smallest(SA));

    public static String smallest(String SA[]) {
        String first = SA[0];
        for (int i = 1 ; i < SA.length ; i++) {
            if ((SA[i].compareTo(first)) < 0) {
                first = SA[i];
            } // if
        } // for
        return first;
    }// smallest
}// lab1b



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5 answers


does not compare the length of strings, but their literal order.

You must change your condition to if (SA[i].length()<first.length())




Your method is close, but your variable names are a bit hard to read and you only need to call your method once to print the shortest name (twice it looks twice twice and discards the first result).

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String[] SA = { "hello", "goodbye", "jack", "bye", "yes", "no", "yoo" };
    System.out.println("The shortest word is " + smallest(SA));


Next, it's usually a good idea to check that your input is valid (not null

at least one item). You also have to decide how you want to handle these cases, I have selected return "";

below. Finally, you need to check length()

String (s) to get the shortest word. Something like,

public static String smallest(String words[]) {
    if (words == null || words.length < 1) {
        return "";
    String smallest = words[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < words.length; i++) {
        if (words[i].length() < smallest.length()) {
            smallest = words[i];
    return smallest;
}// smallest




import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;

public class Foo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] words =
            {"hello", "goodbye", "jack", "bye", "yes", "no", "yoo"};

    static String shortestWord(String[] words) {
        return asList(words).stream().min(compareBy(String::length)).get();

    static <A, B extends Comparable<B>> Comparator<A> compareBy(
            Function<A, B> f) {
        return (A x, A y) -> f.apply(x).compareTo(f.apply(y));




I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the compareTo () method, but if you want to keep the length of the string, you use the length () method.

public class function 2

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String [] SA = {"hello" , "goodbye"  , "jack" , "bye" , "yes" , "no" , "yoo"};

        System.out.println("The shortest word is " + smallest(SA));

    public static String smallest(String SA[]) {
        //Keep track of the shortest word by index and length
        int index = 0, minLength = SA[0].length();
        for (int i = 1; i < SA.length; i++){
            //if the next string is smaller in length then we save that index and length in our variables
            if(SA[i].length() < minLength){
                index = i;
                minLength = SA[i].length();  
        //returns the smallest word
        return SA[index];





In Java 8 you create Comparator

that will check the length of a string that will make the array grow, convert that list to a stream and use it sorted

to sort the array, eventually use findFirst

to return the first element and get()

to convert it to String


String[] words = new String[]{"Hello", "aadsads", "adssadsadads", "aaa"};
String shortest = Arrays.asList(words).stream()
        .sorted((e2, e1) -> e1.length() > e2.length() ? -1 : 1)




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