In assembler, what does line (r3) + do?

I have multiple lines in the assembly and I should be able to answer that this is an effective address (EA). Line...

(R3) +

+ (R2)

What are the plus signs doing here? I know (R3) will have EA = [R3], but I don't understand the + signs and can't find the answer anywhere. Thank.

Assembly language - NIOS II


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1 answer

This notation is common in assembly code on machines that do register indirection, originally the PDP-11, but these days I think there are many DSPs.

Which means (Rn) is usually "indirectly using the address in register N".

Which means (RN) is usually "add one (storage unit) to register N and then jump indirectly using the address in register N". Which means (RN) + means "touch the address in register N, and when done add one (storage block) to register N". - (RN) and (RN) - are analogs that "subtract one (block of memory)".

The designation, IIRC, was originally used on the PDP-11 in the early 1970s, and the variant migrated to C as combinations of the ++, - and * operators.

The PDP-11 also allows register offset addressing, such as "k (RN)". DSPs may or may not allow this.

Yes, the details should be easily found in any device programming manual.



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