How to run JavaScript function in x seconds

I am trying to execute a JavaScript function after 10 seconds of loading the body. But it manifests itself immediately after the load on the body. I'm not a JavaScript expert, so I can't seem to find where the problem is. my code is below:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload=setInterval(div_show(), 10);



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4 answers

    window.onload = function(){
        //time is set in milliseconds
        setTimeout(div_show, 10000)




You need:

  • Assign a function onload

    . setInterval

    returns an interval id, not a function
  • Pass a function setInterval

    , div_show()

    call a function div_show

    and pass its return value
  • Several of your seconds per 1000.The setInterval

    second argument takes a few milliseconds, not seconds.


onload = function () {
    setInterval(div_show, 10 * 1000);


Finally, if you want the function to run 10 seconds after the document has loaded, rather than every 10 seconds since the document has loaded, use setTimeout

instead setInterval




Wrap it inside a function.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
    setInterval(div_show, 10);


Also, if you are sure you only want to execute this function once

when the body is loaded, you can also use setTimeout

instead setInterval

. how

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
    setTimeout(div_show, 10);


If you want it to execute after 10 seconds, you need to set the timer parameter to number of seconds * 1000

In your case10*1000


setTimeout(div_show, 10*1000);



setTimeout(div_show, 10000);




This code will work. Just set the time in milliseconds and write your JS code in the loadAfterTime function:

 window.onload = function(){

        setTimeout(loadAfterTime, 1000)

function loadAfterTime() { 
// code you need to execute goes here. 




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