How can I test a method using Future in Dart?

I would like to test a method that POSTs on another server:

Future executePost() {"http://localhost/path", body : '${data}').then((response) {"Response status : ${response.statusCode}");"Response body : ${response.body}");

    Completer completer = new Completer();
    return completer.future;
  }).catchError((error, stackTrace) {;;


The problem I am having is that my test method ends before the future returned by "" is executed.

My testing method:

test('should be true', () {
  try {
    Future ok = new MyClient().executePost();
    expect(ok, completion(equals(true)));
  } catch(e, s) {


Thank you for your help!


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1 answer

Your method executePost()

doesn't even return the future, it returns null


returns the future, but this return value is not used.

Try changing it to:

Future executePost() {
  return"http://localhost/path", body : '${data}').then((response) {"Response status : ${response.statusCode}");"Response body : ${response.body}");
    return true;
  }).catchError((error, stackTrace) {;;




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