Accessing the current PFUser from the iOS8 Today widget

I asked this question in the Google Parse group, but figured I'd open it up more broadly here. I'm still a little vague around the rules related to discussing anything related to iOS8 prior to the official release, but with discussions on GM and extensions, I suppose I can ask this question now. If not, he can wait.

I am using Parse for the backend. I would like to create a Today widget that displays multiple records associated with a specific currentUser. Loading and initializing Parse is not a problem, the framework is loaded and initialized, that's ok. But even when logging into the container app, it seems like I don't have a reference to currentUser.

This is the code I created to confirm that I can access the current user, which is not working. I tried storing it in NSUserDefault, which is probably a hack anyway, but with no success.

 PFUser *currentUser = [PFUser currentUser];
    if (currentUser) { 
        nameTF.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", [currentUser objectForKey:@"firstName"], [currentUser objectForKey:@"lastName"]]; 
    } else { 
        nameTF.text = @"No freaking clue who you are."; 


But I only see the text "no freaking clue ...".

My first question is, can I access the current user? I guess I can and should get it in the group somehow, and I am missing something stupid. And if so, can someone point me to the source or information on how to do this? Once I can make requests with the current user, everything will be fine.

Thanks again for any suggestions you might have.


After Fosco Marotto's suggestion in Parse to store the sessionToken in NSUserDefaults and then use that token in the extension to call PFUser to become InBackground, I put the following code together to test the suggestion and it works. It needs to be improved because it is a bit hacky, so I am not marking it as an answer.

NSUserDefaults *sharedDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc]   initWithSuiteName:@"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"]; 
NSString *pfToken = [sharedDefaults valueForKey:@"PFUserSessionToken"]; 

[PFUser becomeInBackground:pfToken block:^(PFUser *currentUser, NSError *error) { 
   if (error) { 
      // The token could not be validated. 
      NSLog(@"error happened during becomeInBackground - token could not be validated"); 
      // Show the token just to make sure we got it
      nameTF.text = pfToken; 
   } else { 
      // The current user is now set to user. 
      // do stuff with the user 
      nameTF.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", [currentUser objectForKey:@"firstName"], [currentUser objectForKey:@"lastName"]]; 

// Now lets see if we can get PFUser outside of the block

// Not sure if we need this

PFUser *currentUser = [PFUser currentUser];

if (currentUser) {
     // We have a reference to currentUser
     nameTF.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [currentUser objectForKey:@"firstName"]];
} else {

    nameTF.text = @"Don't think you're getting the PFUser thing right here";


I can get currentUser and query against it. Thanks to Fosco for the direction and hopefully this is getting closer to a solution


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2 answers

Parse now offers an official solution for exchanging data between host application and extension. More information can be found at



I was able to keep the NSString of the current custom username from my app for custom default settings. Then in the widget manager I asked the user for this name.



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