SQL Server XML - setting node names from SQL value

How do I generate the node names in the statement SELECT FOR XML


Let's say I have a table:

declare @Products table (ID int, Name varchar(100))
insert into @Products (1, 'Balls')
insert into @Products (2, 'Paper')
insert into @Products (3, 'Beer')


I need the following XML output:

    <Balls @ID=1/>
    <Paper @ID=2/>
    <Beer @ID=3/>


If this is not possible, can I use SQL Server XML DML to accomplish this?


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1 answer

Well, I don't think you can do it with commands in a FOR XML PATH

straightforward manner.

So after a lot of thinking, I came up with the following solution, which is a bit awkward, but it works:

DECLARE @Products TABLE (ID int, Name varchar(100))

INSERT INTO @Products (id, name) 
VALUES (1, 'Balls'),
       (2, 'Paper'),
       (3, 'Beer')

    CAST('<' + NAME + ' id="' + CAST(id AS VARCHAR) + '" />' AS XML)
FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Products')



  <Balls id="1" />
  <Paper id="2" />
  <Beer id="3" />


And here is the SQL Fiddle



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