Reading from stdin to C without maximum buffer length

The following code sets the maximum size of a string read from stdin. I would rather not hardcode a specific string length and have the flexibility to handle any buffer length. What are good strategies for handling any size?

If these strategies are much more complex, is there a way to at least ensure that it getline

doesn't overflow? Thank you.


 #define P 20

 int main()
   size_t size = 1920;
   char *line;
   // record row; /* structure to store fields */
   char tokens[P][41];
   int p;
   char delims[] = ",";     /* ", |" */
   char *result = NULL;

   line = ( char * ) malloc( size + 1 );

   while( getline(&line, &size, stdin) != -1 )
      /* chomp */
      line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';

      /* load char array */
      result = strtok( line , delims );
      p = 0;
      while( result != NULL && ( p < P ) ) 
         strcpy( tokens[p++] , result );
         result = strtok( NULL, delims );

      if (p != P)
         fprintf(stderr,"Wrong number of input fields.\nFormat: ID,x1, ... ,x%d\n",P);

      /* load record ( atol, atof etc... , skipped for brevity ) and work with record */

      return 0;



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2 answers

You can have getline

memory allocation for you (which is the purpose of using a custom getline

function over a standard functionfgets

). From the man page getline


If *lineptr


, it getline()

will allocate a buffer for storage, which should be freed by the user program. (The value in is *n


Alternatively, before the call getline()

, *lineptr

may contain a pointer to the size of the malloc

-allocated buffer *n

. If the buffer is not large enough to hold the line, getline()

resize it with realloc

, updating *lineptr

and *n

as needed.

So you can do:

line = NULL;
while (getline(&line, &size, stdin))
    // ... Do stuff with `line`...


(Or leave your code as is, as it getline

will resize the buffer you allocated.)



Here is the code I used - Fgetstr (FILE *, const char *). It roughly doubles the buffer size for each realloc and does not crash on malloc / realloc failure. Called as: char * text = Fgetstr (stdin, "\ n"); or something else.

The getdelim () function of the library is similar, although mine may be much older. The manpage for getline and getdelim does not indicate what happens if malloc and realloc fail on my system, and only points out the possible EINVAL error (no ENOMEM). Consequently, the behavior resulting from memory exhaustion may be undefined for getline / getdelim.

Also, as starrify points out, many systems don't have getline.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#ifdef TEST
#define DEBUG

#ifdef DEBUG
#undef DEBUG
#define DEBUG(b) {b}
#define DEBUG(b)  

#ifdef TEST
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    char *text = (char*)0;
    char *ends = "\n";

    if(argc > 1) ends = argv[1];

    while(text = Fgetstr(stdin, ends))

    return 0;

/*  return specifications -
 *  terminators include : ends, \0, and EOF
 *  root    EOF?    text?   ended?  stat    returned value
 *          -       -       -       ... 
 *  1       -       -       1       return  ""
 *          -       1       -       ... 
 *  2       -       1       1       return  "text"
 *  3       1       -       -       return  -null-      EOF-*accepted*
 *  4       1       -       1       return  ""          EOF-postponed
 *  5       1       1       -       return  "text"      EOF-postponed/fake-end
 *  6       1       1       1       return  "text"      EOF-postponed/true-end
 *  on ENOMEM, return -null-

static char *Fgetstr_R(FILE *ifp, const char *ends, unsigned int offset)
    char *s = (char*)0;                     /* the crucial string to return */
    unsigned int bufmax = offset;           /* as large as so far */
    unsigned int bufidx = 0;                /* index within buffer */
    char buffer[bufmax + 1];                /* on-stack allocation required */
    int ended = 0;                          /* end character seen ? */
    int eof = 0;                            /* e-o-f seen ? */

    DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "(%d", offset););

    while(bufidx <= bufmax)     /* pre-recurse - attempt to fill buffer */
        int c = getc(ifp);

        if( (ended = ( !c || (ends && strchr(ends,c)))) || (eof = (EOF==c)) )  

        buffer[bufidx++] = (char)c;

    /* note - the buffer *must* at least have room for the terminal \0 */

    if(ended || (eof && offset))                    /* root 1,2,4,6 5 */
        unsigned int offset_max = offset + bufidx;
        DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, " malloc %d", offset_max + 1););
        if(s = (char*)malloc((offset_max + 1) * sizeof(char)))
            s[offset_max] = '\0';
            s = (char*)0, perror("Fgetstr_R - malloc");
        if(eof && !offset)  /* && !ended */     /* root 3 */
            s = (char*)0;
            s = Fgetstr_R(ifp, ends, offset + bufidx);  /* recurse */

    /* post-recurse */

        strncpy(&s[offset], &buffer[0], bufidx);  /* cnv. idx to count */

    DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, ")", offset););
    return s;

char *Fgetstr (FILE *ifp, const char *ends)
    register char *s = (char*)0;
    DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "Fgetstr "););
    s = Fgetstr_R(ifp, ends, 0);
    DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, ".\n"););
    return s;




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