Cost of water volume in cents

Trying to write a program to find the cost of the volume of water in the pool in cents Keep hanging around the volume and answering and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Any help would be great. These are the equations I am using.

Volume in cubic feet = length * width * height
Cost = cost cubic feet * Volume in cubic feet

#Assignment 1, Python, Run 1

length = float(input("Please enter the length of the pool in feet:"))
width = float(input("Please input the width of the pool in feet:"))
height = float(input("Please input the height of the pool in feet:"))
cost =  float(input("Please enter the cost of water in cents per cubic foot:"))

volume = [length*width*height]
answer = [cost*volume]



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3 answers

The problem is that you made your variable "volume" an array.

volume = [ something ]    # This syntax says "volume is an array that contains something


You cannot multiply an array by a float and expect a reasonable answer.

answer = [ cost * volume ]  # Here you are multiplying a float by an array


I think you mean

volume = length*width*height
answer = cost*volume

print("The volume is {0}, giving a total cost of {1}".format(volume, answer))




I think you meant to use parentheses, not parentheses, which in this context means python list.

so your code is:

volume = [length*width*height]

answer = [cost*volume]


it should be:

volume = length * width * height

answer = cost * volume




Two problems I see. First, you create a list using square brackets, they are not needed:

volume = length * width * height
answer = cost * volume


In fact, they don't work the way you expect. Multiplying the list by an integer gives the list expanded to the desired size:

> print(4 * [6,7])
[6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7]


Or Python 2 variant:

> print 4 * [6,7]
[6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7]


The float multiplication throws a runtime error just like you do.

Second, you need to actually display some output to the user, for example with (as above, for Python 2, leave the outer brackets):




print("Volume for %.2f x %.2f x %.2f pool is %.2f" % (length,width,height,volume))
print("Cost at %.2f per cubic foot is %.2f" % (cost,answer))




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