AngularJS breaks when minified when using a service

Ok, I'm pretty new to AngularJS, so please don't laugh if it's easy. I'm trying to follow Todd Motto's opinion of the AngularJS Styleguide for Teams . I know this is not very similar to what I was trying to minify the code. I am using Grunt to clean up my code. If I roll over, it works. Otherwise, I get the error:

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: aProvider <- a


I know this is because the name is getting crippled so it doesn't know what to map it to, but I have no idea how / where to enter the correct name. I tried to track it down. I think that when we try to resolve the route and the DataService is injected, and because there is no injection for our DataService, I think it is crippled.

I tried to reduce the code as little as possible. It also depends on angular and angular-route as well as a file named data.json (which could be anything, it doesn't really matter). Then just run grunt debug


Please let me know if I missed anything and thank you for your time.

File structure

├── data.json
├── gruntfile.js
├── index.html
└── js
    ├── app
    │   └── app.js
    └── vendor
        ├── angular-route.js
        └── angular.js



module.exports = function(grunt) {
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
        uglify: {
            debugMine: {
                options: {
                    wrap: true,
                    sourceMap: true,
                    mangle: false,
                files: { 'js/production.min.js': [
            debugVendor: {
                files: { 'js/vendor.min.js': [
        connect: {
            server: {
                options: {
                    port: 8000,
        watch: {
            myscripts: {
                files: ['js/app/**'],
                tasks: ['uglify:debugMine'],
            options: {
                livereload: true,
                spawn: false
            vendorscripts: {
                files: ['js/vendor/**'],
                tasks: ['uglify:debugVendor'],


                        'Create a debug build of the code',



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Mangled Names Test</title>

        <h2>I'm above the content</h2>
        <!-- Begin Content -->
        <div ng-view></div>
        <!-- End Content -->
        <h2>I'm below the content</h2>

        <!-- Begin Release Scripts -->
        <script src='js/vendor.min.js'></script>
        <script src='js/production.min.js'></script>
        <!-- End Release Scripts -->



console.log('Define functions that make up app');

function DataService($http) {
    console.log('Setting up data service');
    var DataService = {};

    DataService.getData = function() {
        console.log('In DataService.getData, getting data');
        return $http.get('/data.json');

    return DataService;

function DocumentCtrl(data) {
    console.log('In DocumentCtrl, check data');
    var self = this; = data;

DocumentCtrl.resolve = {
    data: function(DataService) {
        console.log('Call DataService.getData()');
        return DataService.getData();

function RouteConfig($routeProvider) {
    console.log('Define routes');
        .when('/', {
            template: "<h4>I'm in the content and above the data</h4><hr>{{}}<hr><h4>I'm in the content and below the data</h4>",
            controllerAs: 'docCtrl',
            controller: 'DocumentCtrl',
            resolve: {
                data: function(DataService) {
                    console.log('Call DataService.getData()');
                    return DataService.getData();
        .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' })

console.log('Define module');

    .module('app', ['ngRoute'])
    .factory('DataService', ['$http', DataService])
    .controller('DocumentCtrl', ['data', DocumentCtrl])
    .config(['$routeProvider', RouteConfig]);



source to share

3 answers

Adding mangle:false

in uglify.debugVendor.options

will probably fix it. If not, then you will probably have to compile the vendor and your files so uglify can use them in the same scope.

    uglify: {
        // ...
        debugVendor: {
            options: {
                mangle: false,




Your service name DataService

, so the declaration in your config must match the name:

.controller('DocumentCtrl', ['DataService', DocumentCtrl])


From the above example:

    .module('app', ['ngRoute'])
    .factory('DataService', ['$http', DataService])
    .controller('DocumentCtrl', ['DataService', DocumentCtrl])
    .config(['$routeProvider', RouteConfig]);




uglify change the name of the angularjs service to a, b, ... So you need to change the uglify options:

options: {
    mangle: false,




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