Converting closure to es6 module

I am using a javascript build environment that supports es6 modules ( using es6-module-transpiler ), so you can just import stuff across different files.

I now have a third party library that I would like to "import".

The library fills in its functions as follows:

(function () {/*...*/}).call(this);


It would be safe to omit the closure and convert it to:

export default function () {/* ... */};


Or is there a better way?

Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

In the source code you show, calls an anonymous function that makes some sense should define a global variable, whereas the second piece of code you show just exports the function, which is completely different.

For purposes of discussion, let's assume the source code defines a global value:

// my-third-party-module.js
(function() {
  let myVar = 22;
  window.MyThirdPartyModule = { log: function() { console.log(myVar); } };


and you use it like this:

// app.js


You can rewrite this as

// my-third-party-module.js
let myVar = 22;
export default { log: function() { console.log(myVar); } };

// app.js
import MyThirdPartyModule from `my-third-party-module';


Note that we have moved the variable myVar

that was local to the anonymous function at the top level of the module.

However, depending on your preference, rather than exporting a LOB, which is a kind of pre-modular mentality, you can export its API separately:

// my-third-party-module.js
let myVar = 22;
export function log { console.log(myVar); }

// app.js
import {log} from `my-third-party-module';


or if you prefer

// app.js
import * as MyThirdPartyModule from `my-third-party-module';


However, all of these approaches assume that you can and want to edit the source of the third party library. If not, you can write a small piece of glue code like

// my-third-party-module-interface.js
import 'my-third-party-module';    // This will run the module.
export default MyThirdPartyModule; // Export the global it defined.

// app.js
import MyThirdPartyModule from 'my-third-party-module-interface';


If you'd rather re-export the individual APIs, you can extend the glue to re-export each one:

// my-third-party-module-interface.js
import 'my-third-party-module';    // This will run the module.

const {log, otherAPI, ...} = MyThirdPartyModule;
export {log, otherAPI, ...};

// app.js
import {log} from 'my-third-party-module-interface';




Converting legacy dependencies is still a problem. And the horrible workflow they use makes things a lot harder, prefixing the actual code with the browser and webpack silliness.

So what to do? Existentially the library is only guaranteed to bring in a global window, but it's unclear and weird. And everyone is a little different.

So let legacy just do what it should do for you, but wrapped in a module so you can import it rather than using a script tag:



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