Xcode 6 GM cannot simulate location with iOS 8 simulator

I set the location using Xcode's "Simulate Location" button and the iOS simulator "Debug> Location> Custom Location", it doesn't work. And Maps.app cannot get location either.

Of course I am updating the code for iOS 8 CLLocationManager. such as "requestAlwaysAuthorization" and "NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription"


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3 answers

Edit your schema,

  • On the Options tab, make sure you check Allow Placement.
  • Choose a default location (optional).
  • Reset Simulator content and settings. This works for me.

P / S: You may need to restart the Xcode IDE.

enter image description here



This is my workaround:

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
    [self locationManager:manager didUpdateLocations:@[[[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:<#(CLLocationDegrees)#> longitude:<#(CLLocationDegrees)#>]]];

    // Something you should do when Xcode not crazy




Had the same problems in Xcode6 but now it works fine in Xcode 6.1



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