AngularJS - load HTML object as currency symbol from scope

I have an application that handles different currencies. I am getting a currency symbol from a web service and storing that symbol in the $ control scope.

$scope.symbol = '€';


When I try to show that in html

It works:

{{ 1500 | currency:"€" }}


This does not work

{{ 1500 | currency:symbol }}


here is the plunker. Any ideas?


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5 answers

If you want to bind html or markup, you need to use "ng-bind-html" and mark the content as trusted on your controller. I don't know how to do this with the mustache binding mechanism. But this is the approach we took when we needed to bind the markup.

  • Make the code reliable in the controller
  • Wrap the filter in a custom filter. The limitation is that you still need ng-bind-html

Below are 3 options:


var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope,$sce) {      
    $scope.nonTrustedSymbol = '€';      
    $scope.trustedSymbol = $sce.trustAsHtml('€');      

.filter('currencyWithNumberFilter', ['$filter','$sce', 
    function ($filter, $sce) {
        return function (input, curr) {              
            var formattedValue = $filter('number')(input, 2);              
            return $sce.trustAsHtml(curr + formattedValue);

.filter('currencyWithCurrencyFilter', ['$filter','$sce', 
    function ($filter, $sce) {
        return function (input, curr) {              
            var formattedValue = $filter('currency')(input,curr);
            return $sce.trustAsHtml(formattedValue);



 <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">

      "Vanilla" controller & number filter:
      <span ng-bind-html=trustedSymbol></span>{{ 1500 | number:2 }}


      Custom filter, internally making use of Number filter for formatting:
      <span ng-bind-html="1500 | currencyWithNumberFilter:nonTrustedSymbol"></span>


      Custom filter, internally making use of Currency filter for formatting:
      <span ng-bind-html="1500 | currencyWithCurrencyFilter:nonTrustedSymbol"></span>



Working example

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope,$sce) {
  $scope.nonTrustedSymbol = '€';
  $scope.trustedSymbol = $sce.trustAsHtml('€');

  .filter('currencyWithNumberFilter', ['$filter','$sce', 
    function ($filter, $sce) {
        return function (input, curr) {
            var formattedValue = $filter('number')(input, 2);
            return $sce.trustAsHtml(curr + formattedValue);
  .filter('currencyWithCurrencyFilter', ['$filter','$sce', 
    function ($filter, $sce) {
        return function (input, curr) {
            var formattedValue = $filter('currency')(input,curr);
            return $sce.trustAsHtml(formattedValue);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">
  <script src=""></script>
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">  
  "Vanilla" controller & number filter:
  <span ng-bind-html=trustedSymbol></span>{{ 1500 | number:2 }}
  Custom filter, internally making use of Number filter for formatting:
  <span ng-bind-html="1500 | currencyWithNumberFilter:nonTrustedSymbol"></span>
  Custom filter, internally making use of Currency filter for formatting:
  <span ng-bind-html="1500 | currencyWithCurrencyFilter:nonTrustedSymbol"></span>



Run codeHide result



to complement Rohan's answer where ng-bind-html was the solution, you can also use the isoCurrency module.

if you have ISO 4217 currency code (3 characters long like USD, EUR, etc.) isoCurrency can output correct format , fraction size and...

// in controller
$scope.amount = 50.50;
$scope.currency = 'USD';

// in template
{{ amount | isoCurrency:currency }} // $50.50




Try this in your controller:

$scope.symbol = '€';





If you are using JQuery (otherwise do the same, but in pure javascript, it will take a lot more code, but maybe basically create an html dom element and insert your innerHTML input into it, then read its innerText)

function unescapeHTML(html) {
  return $("<div />").html(html).text();


And then of course





To display currency symbol in angular js you need to provide HTML object for currency symbols below, examples and usage via code and template:

Inside your example Euro template:

Item Price<span style="font-weight:bold;">{{price | currency:"&euro;"}}</span>


Rupee example:

Item Price<span style="font-weight:bold;">{{price | currency:"&#8377;"}}</span>


Also check below url

From the controller:

Embed $ filter in your controller





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