Skip field globally in ModelMapper

I am using ModelMApper to render objects from DTO to Impl - when deserializing an object. This is done in conjunction with JAxRS. When the user makes a POST / PUT request, I don't want the "id" to ever be displayed.

I need to skip the "id" field for all mappings. I don't want to do this one by one, as there are no explicit maps for all classes. How can I configure the mapping to pass all "id" fields from all DTOs into Impls mappings.



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2 answers

One approach is to use Conditions to conditionally display (or not) the id properties. Something like this (not tested):

Condition skipIds = new Condition() {
    public boolean applies(MappingContext<Object, Object> context) {
        return !context.getMapping().getLastDestinationProperty().getName().equals("id");



This sets up a condition skipIds

that will be used globally for all properties so that the mapping of values ​​to any destination property named "id" will be skipped.



@ Jonathan's solution worked for me with a little modification. I had to change

public boolean applies(MappingContext<S, D> context)



public boolean applies(MappingContext context)




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