Azure Table Entity Row / Primary Key as Attribute for Existing Properties

I already have an entity migrated from EntityFramework. I don't want to override some propeties and convert it to string

public class User : TableEntity, ITableStorageEntity<int, Guid>
    public Guid ID { get; set; }
    public int LanguageID { get; set; }


Is it possible? I don't want to override ReadEntity / WriteEntity.


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2 answers

Since your class is already based on TableEntity, you can try to override / replace the row key and the section key property of TableEntity using "new" instead.

public class User : TableEntity
    public Guid ID { get; set; }

    public int LanguageID { get; set; }

    public new string PartitionKey { get { return ID.ToString(); } set { ID = Guid.Parse(value); } }

    public new string RowKey { get { return LanguageID.ToString(); } set { LanguageID = int.Parse(value); } }




I'm not a big fan of the "new" modifier. In my opinion this is a different approach from OOP.

I suggest the following

public class ConsumerApplicationEntity : TableEntity
    public ConsumerApplicationEntity(string applicationKey, string applicationSecret)
        : base(applicationKey, applicationSecret)


    public string ApplicationKey
            return this.PartitionKey;
            this.PartitionKey = value;

    public string ApplicationSecret
            return this.RowKey;
            this.RowKey = value;




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