Slow performance when reading Excel with

When reading from excel with

and using, the Range dataRange = (Range)cSheet.Cells[row, col];

performance is very slow. When I delete Range dataRange = (Range)cSheet.Cells[row, col];

it is faster. What I missed. What should I change?

int rows = cSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;
int cols = cSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count;

for (int row = 2; row <= rows; row++)
  for (int col = 1; col <= cols; col++)
        Range dataRange = (Range)cSheet.Cells[row, col];



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1 answer

You want to do it in one operation:

object[,] objectArray = cSheet.get_Range("A1:C4").Value2;
dataRange.Value2 = objectArray;


To get the UsedRange address for "A1: C4" try:

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range range = cSheet.UsedRange;
string address = range.get_Address();
string[] cells = address.Split(new char[] {':'});
string beginCell = cells[0].Replace("$", "");
string endCell = cells[1].Replace("$", "");




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