How to recompile .css files starting from files without bootless loading.
I have installed node and less successfully
I downloaded the following two files from bootswatch "Flatly":
Now I would like to just create the final boostrap.css file without any changes, just to try if everything is indexed to preload the bootstrap.css files from the same theme.
I tried
lessc variables.less > bootstrap.css
But I got an empty boostrap.css file
I tried
lessc bootswatch.less > bootstrap.css
But I got
NameError: variable @ navbar-default-bg undefined in C: \ Users \\ Loading \ bootswatch.less on line 16, column 14: 15
background-color: #fff; 16 color: @ navbar-default-bg; 17}
So i tried this
lessc variables.css bootswatch.less > bootstrap.css
It doesn't give me any errors, but still I have an empty bootstrap.css file.
Is there a way to compile the .css using directly or completely, I have to follow all the steps listed in the setup here ?
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The easiest way to get Bootstrap bootable using Bootswatch (if you don't want to worry about black magic ) is as follows
- Download Bootstrap Less Sources
- Download the appropriate Bootswatch
. -
Create a new file with the following imports:
// Set imported file paths to their actual location in your environment @import "..../bootstrap/less/bootstrap"; // <- Bootstrap bootstrap.less @import "..../.../bootswatch"; // <- Bootswatch bootswatch.less @import "..../.../variables"; // <- Bootswatch variables.less
Compile this file with
(or any other compatible tool).
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