No UiSlider to remove decimal?

How to remove decimal digit from linked output

I am using this code

    start: [2000, 24000],
    connect: true,
    step: 0.01,

    range: {
        'min': 0,
        'max': 28500
    format: wNumb({
        decimals: false,
        thousand: ',',
        prefix: '$ ',





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2 answers

Decimal values decimals: false

are not valid, please use decimals: 0

. In addition, you set the formatting for the method .val()

. Use it like this:

$('#slider_01').Link('lower').to($('#value-lower_1'), null, wNumb({
    decimals: 0,
    thousand: ',',
    prefix: '$ ',




Change step

from 0.01

to 1




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