Google app apk publish error (multiple apk)

I published my app using several apk concepts (as you can see in the attached image). Now I am trying to post an updated version of the application. But I won't let you play. It says "The version is not supported by any device configuration." Please see the attached image for more information.enter image description here


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3 answers

You can only publish an APK with the same PackageName once. You have to change the package name in your application on the manifest and the java class it named.

So, if you have multiple APKs made from the same source, each APK needs its own package name.


If you are editing one of these APKs with unique package names, then you need to update the version number inside the manifest. For example:

You have your first application, inside the Manifest, it looks like this:

    android:versionName="1.0" android:versionCode="1"


If you want to update, you need to change the versionCode and name

    android:versionName="1.1" android:versionCode="2" 


And if you're working with multiple APK support, it looks like. The API says:

* Each APK must have a different version code specified by the android: versionCode attribute.



There is a recommended version code naming pattern that will completely solve the problem. This is discussed in the Multiple APK Support documentation .

It works by using a 7-digit version number of the code version, which includes the prefixed SDK API version as well as the actual version of your application. Here is a schematic diagram of the version code:

Version scheme for different API levels

In the OP's example, this would update the API version 7+ without affecting the current version 9+, and would prevent the lock from being posted with a version 101 error. The Code version for these two versions will now look like this:

  • API 7+ version: versionCode 0700101
  • API 9+ version: versionCode 0900101


Agree with Brent's answer.

In short, a higher API support application must have the highest version code.

The lower API support application must have a version code less than the higher API support application.

FYI: make sure you switch to advanced mode in your google play developer account.



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