How can I change the order of the children in JS?

I have this html:

            Set right order
            <span style = "display: block;">asd | <a href = '#' onclick = "moveChoiceTo(this, -1);">&uarr;</a><a href = '#' onclick = "moveChoiceTo(this, 1);">&darr;</a></span>
            <span style = "display: block;">dsa | <a href = '#' onclick = "moveChoiceTo(this, -1);">&uarr;</a><a href = '#' onclick = "moveChoiceTo(this, 1);">&darr;</a></span>
            <span style = "display: block;">qwe | <a href = '#' onclick = "moveChoiceTo(this, -1);">&uarr;</a><a href = '#' onclick = "moveChoiceTo(this, 1);">&darr;</a></span>
            <span style = "display: block;">ewq | <a href = '#' onclick = "moveChoiceTo(this, -1);">&uarr;</a><a href = '#' onclick = "moveChoiceTo(this, 1);">&darr;</a></span>


And this is JS:

function moveChoiceTo(elem_choice, direction)
    var curr_index = -1; //index of elem that we should move
    var td = elem_choice.parentElement.parentElement; //link to TD

    for (var i = 0; i < td.children.length; i++) //determine index of elem that called this function
        if (td.children[i].children[0] == elem_choice)
            curr_index = i;

    if (curr_index == -1)

    if (curr_index == 0 && direction < 0) //if nowhere to move

    if (curr_index == td.children.length - 1 && direction > 0) //if nowhere to move

    var curr_child = td.children[curr_index]; //save current elem into temp var
    td.children.splice(curr_index, 1); //here I getting exception that splice isn't supported by object, but arent this is array?
    td.children.splice(curr_index + direction, 0, curr_child); //attempt to insert it


I'm getting an splice

unsupported exception, but it is assumed to be an array and does this method support? What are some other ways to change the order of children?


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2 answers

I'll add an answer with a simpler (and better) approach:

function moveChoiceTo(elem_choice, direction) {

    var span = elem_choice.parentNode,
        td = span.parentNode;

    if (direction === -1 && span.previousElementSibling) {
        td.insertBefore(span, span.previousElementSibling);
    } else if (direction === 1 && span.nextElementSibling) {
        td.insertBefore(span, span.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling)


The basic idea is to use the insertBefore method correctly. You also don't need to remove anything from the DOM.




Splicing is not supported in HTMLCollection, you need to use .removeChild and .insertBefore something like this:

var before = td.children[curr_index + direction];
var child = td.children[curr_index];

td.insertBefore(child, before); //attempt to insert it      




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