How to cancel one of many streams in swift

Well .. I'm in this situation: I have a function that starts 3 asynchronous threads. Each thread does something that takes some time. When some thread ends up first, I need it to stop the other 2, but I don't know how to do that (yet).

My code:

    class SomeController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

func threads(){

    let operationQueue = NSOperationQueue();

            let thread = NSThread.currentThread();
            let threadNumber = thread.valueForKeyPath("private.seqNum").integerValue;

            println("Task #1 completed on thread #\(threadNumber)");


            let thread = NSThread.currentThread();
            let threadNumber = thread.valueForKeyPath("private.seqNum").integerValue;

            println("Task #2 completed on thread #\(threadNumber)");


            let thread = NSThread.currentThread();
            let threadNumber = thread.valueForKeyPath("private.seqNum").integerValue;

            println("Task #3 completed on thread #\(threadNumber)");


Any help or quick help would be indicated :)


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2 answers

This is not a cancellation question NSThread

. Rather, it is a question of how to undo NSOperation

. In this case, it is relatively easy to undo all the operations, since you create one NSOperationQueue

with the sole purpose of executing three blocks. Just send the operationQueue a cancelAllOperations message:



The unfortunate part is that canceling the operation is indeed joint, so as part of the operation, you should check periodically isCancelled

and complete as needed:

var operation3:NSOperation?
operation3 = operationQueue.addOperationWithBlock {
    let thread = NSThread.currentThread()
    let threadNumber = thread.valueForKeyPath("private.seqNum").integerValue
    var timeout = 5

    while timeout-- > 0 && !operation3.isCancelled {

    println("Task #3 completed on thread #\(threadNumber)")





If you create an activity with addOperationWithBlock, you can undo whatever you like, it has no effect. If you want to undo an operation, I recommend not using a block, but subclassing NSOperation. The task being executed must manually check when it is canceled and the task ends; you cannot do it with addOperationWithBlock.



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