Node.js Redis operation: concurrent browsing over one connection

Playing with nodejs, and redis transaction.
Amazing what will happen with this code (dummy code)

var redis = require('redis');  
var client = redis.createClient();  


socket.on('setSomeKey', function() {'someKey');
    client.get('someKey',function(err,replies) {  

socket.on('setSomeStuff', function() {'someStuff');


Client 1 sends event "setSomeKey":
-> redis watch someKey
-> redis get someKey and wait for response

Client 2 sends an event "setSomeStuff"
-> redis watch someStuff
-> redis set someStuff and wait for a response

Client 1: -> gets "someKey" and tries to use multi..exec:
=> Will the clock on "someStuff" set by client2 affect multi exec?

In other words, can this happen when watching redis with MONITOR:
- watch online - get someKey
- watch some stuff
- set someStuff
- multi
- exec => FAIL because of "watch someStuff" which has changes between get and multi. .exec executed in the callback?


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