Loading a corrupted SVN dump file

Long story short, I had a 4.1GB SVN version dump file, and due to broken DVD sectors, I now have a 4GB file and a 300MB file.

svnadmin load

has no problem with the first snippet, but I cannot recover the second. I cannot load it on top of a partially repaired or new one because there are paths created in the damaged chunk in the middle that are now lost.

Is there a way to force svnadmin

these files to be ignored so that at least I can recover any files added in the last 300mb dump?


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2 answers

Chances are good that the 2 files were split raw.

Any luck to just "merge" the two files back together?


cat svnDump.dump.part4GB svnDump.dump.part300MB > $svnDump

rm -rf $svnRepo
svnadmin create $svnRepo
svnadmin load $svnRepo < $svnDump




Find the backup containing those missing svnadmin load

error-out on revisions . If you have these changes, you can restore the merge history repository using svnadmin dump

and svnadmin load


Otherwise, you can forget about another 300mb dump if you don't want to do the operation on the dump file with a text editor.



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