Windows 8 Tile Icon for WPF Application?

guys, first post -

I'm new to Windows and VS development (using 2013 on Windows 8.1).

I have created a very simple app under action

File-> New Project / WPF Application.

The app works great and does exactly what I would like to do.

I successfully added a large icon (128x128) and got it to look great in the Windows 7 taskbar and start menu by right-clicking my project in Solution Explorer and pointing it to my .ico file there.

I also added the "Icon" property to the MainWindow.xaml file and it even looks great on the Windows 8 taskbar ...

However, it doesn't even display my application icon in the Windows 8 Start Menu and I am having a very hard time finding documentation specific to this issue.

I'm sure it's no problem, but I just got stuck.

How do I get a nice icon and snippet in Windows 8?


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2 answers

Live tiles are only supported in Windows Store apps, but you can use some third-party solutions that provide the ability to add this capability through the interaction between your desktop app and a standalone Windows Store app (this one is installed for end-computer users and behaves like a server that can provide Tile for their clients, which are actually desktop applications).
For example, DevExpress solution is WinRTLiveTileManager .
Or you can implement this approach yourself ...



Live Slices are only supported in Windows Store apps.

Check out this thread ...



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